
Tuesday 13 October 2015

The library of the future

I imagine that the library of the future will be an open, ecologic and familiar place. Obviously will have technology, but the concept of the library will not be a technological place. The library will represent the reunion of the families that is why will be located in the center of a park. This new type of libraries will have big and luminous spaces, where adults can read drinking a coffee while his kids are playing some games and running everywhere. This open libraries will count with different rooms or areas. Some areas will have some music, allowing people to relax and enjoy. Others will count with electronic devices with a lot of eBooks.
This libraries will not be attended by physical librarians. The whole attention will be digital, fast and realized for the own users. And in the case of needing some help, you will contact digitally with the librarian. Being a library with no physical librarians, it allows to be opening 24 hours

I think that the most important aspect of a library is being a free place that allow his users to have fun, to learn, and to spend time with his families. 

1 comment:

  1. Good Job, thank you.

    My only comment is that if there were no librarians where would you work?

    2 pts



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