
Tuesday 3 November 2015

My favorite music group

My favorite music group

Definitely my favorite music group is The Beatles. The first time I heard them I was like 5 years old. 

The Beatles is a rock british band formed in 1960 by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. This two young men wanted to create something new and revolutionary at music. Talk about the members of this group it is a little confused, because when they began meeting the group were conformed by 5 people. John Lennon (the boss) Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Pete Best and Stuart Sutcliffe. Like everything in life, the band suffered so many changes and the final composition of the band were John, Paul, George and Ringo Star.
In spite of the short period of activity they had (since 1960 until 1970), they were knew in the hole world, and nowadays they are the principal influence for many artists.
The Beatles had 13 albums, so they had so many famous songs , but the most important are “Twist and shouts”, “Let it be”, “Hey Jude”, “Yesterday”, “Strawberry  fields forever”, “Here comes the sun” and I swear I can spend the whole evening naming songs!
I really love The Beatles because they are part of my infancy, my life and my story. They have one song for every feeling, so their songs are with me all the time. I like them because I really think they created a new way of expression, they are the origin of every rock band and they are the kind of bands that will never die.
Every time when somebody ask me what is my favorite song, I enter in a mental breakdown! But after years thinking about it, I realized that I do not have a favorite song, but if I have to choose one, that song would be…

Tuesday 13 October 2015

The library of the future

I imagine that the library of the future will be an open, ecologic and familiar place. Obviously will have technology, but the concept of the library will not be a technological place. The library will represent the reunion of the families that is why will be located in the center of a park. This new type of libraries will have big and luminous spaces, where adults can read drinking a coffee while his kids are playing some games and running everywhere. This open libraries will count with different rooms or areas. Some areas will have some music, allowing people to relax and enjoy. Others will count with electronic devices with a lot of eBooks.
This libraries will not be attended by physical librarians. The whole attention will be digital, fast and realized for the own users. And in the case of needing some help, you will contact digitally with the librarian. Being a library with no physical librarians, it allows to be opening 24 hours

I think that the most important aspect of a library is being a free place that allow his users to have fun, to learn, and to spend time with his families. 

Tuesday 15 September 2015

The oddest movie I have watched

It is hard for me to choose the oddest movie I ever seen, because I think that every movie has an explanation, and his writer wanted to give some message to the audience, although I could not find the message or meaning of the movie I chose.
“The Shining” a physiological horror movie based on the novel “the shining” of Stephen King. The slogan of the movie is “A masterpiece of modern horror” so you can imagine how it is… The director is Stanley Kubrick and it was co-written with Diane Johnson. 

I saw this movie on December 2014. And the first thought that cross my mind while I was watching was “Oh my god, I cannot continue watching this” But I was watching it with a friend, so I forced myself and finish it.

Basically, this movie is about a man, his son, Danny, and wife become the winter caretakers of an isolated hotel where Danny, sees disturbing visions of the hotel's past using a telepathic gift known as "The Shining". The protagonist, Jack Torrance, is underway in a writing project when he slowly slips into insanity as a result of cabin fever and former guests of the hotel's ghosts. After being convinced by a waiter's ghost to "correct" the family, Jack goes completely insane. The only thing that can save Danny and his mother is "The Shining"

I cannot say this is a movie I recommended, because I was truly impressed, and in my opinion, this is not that kind of movies you can see more than once. Honestly, I did not like it at all and I must say I was very afraid.

Friday 28 August 2015

My Autobiography

My name is Francisca Abumohor and I’m 20 years old. I was born in Santiago of Chile, a very noisy place. I've always thought that in my city life runs so fast and I hate that. In spite of that, my dearest dream is to visit London. I imagine that life in London should be very chaotic and similar than here.

Every member of my family think that I was born too late, I wasn't in anyone's plans, but nevertheless, Im here. When I was born, my parents already had two kids. Two really old kids. One of them, Claudio, were 20 and the oldest one, Rodrigo, were 23. So you can imagine, I'm the only girl and the youngest, and of course, I'm the princess. Now a days, my brothers are 40 and 43 years old and our relationship it is awesome. We are like the three musketeers, we loved each other so much. 
Rodrigo is married and he has 3 child. He got married when I was 3 years old, so his kids are like my little brothers. The youngest, Bernardita, has 2 years old. She is my everything, and when I'm her I forget every problem or bad day.

Also with my parents I have a wonderful relationship with despite the huge generational differences we have. Even we shared some musical tastes like The Beatles and The Carpenters.  

When I was at school I thought that nothing could be more incredible than being there. But now that I'm at university, I think that each step and moment in life has its magical thing, we just have to look for it. 

When I desided to study library science, I was so confued. Now I think that it is an interesting thing to study. We learn a lot of, and we can work in many places in the future. 

When Im not at university, I love playing sports. I go to the gym 3 days per week. I used to swim but now I have no time for it. I also love reading, listeting music and beeing with friends.

Althought everybody knows I am a perfectionist and I get angry quiclky, I love how I am, I love family, my friends and I must say I really enjoy life.


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